Adlbauer K., Beck R., 2015: Katalog und Fotoatlas der Bockkäfer Äthiopiens (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)

ISBN: 978-80-902734-2-9
312 pages, format 220x280 mm, 42 photos of typical Ethiopian landscape, luxury heavy paper, hard cover
Text in German.

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130,00 € HT
130,00 € HT


Czech Republic

Les clients qui ont acheté ce produit ont également acheté...

All species and subspecies of Cerambycidae that are known up to now from Ethiopia are specified with their accepted names and synonyms. For the most taxa males as well as females are presented, those with strong variability some other forms too.

13 synonyms are going to get new established, see above, many others have to get checked again.
It has become apparent that according to the present state of knowledge 130 endemits (spp. and sspp.) live or have lived - especially in Ethiopia the damage of nature is alarming.
561 Cerambycid-taxa in 870 photos are presented, inclusive eight us unknown taxa, which are all available only as individuals.



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