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A colored picture-catalogue of all currently valid species and subspecies of African tiger beetles published in two volumes. These books treat the region south of the Sahara, excluding Madagascar and other islands. Altogether 396 species in 34 genera from the African continent are listed and figured. All 266 valid subspecific taxa of the 86 polytypic species are listed and figured also. For all species and subspecies a distribution map is given, and for many species pictures of habitats, living individuals, behavior, and larvae are presented too. In addition portraits of entomologists and explorers, who worked particularly with the African tiger beetle fauna are given, as well as pictures of several persons to whom an African tiger beetle species were dedicated. The species richness of the various countries is discussed, and perspectives for further research possibilities are given. Each African country is cited with all its known species and the number of endemics. The number of pictures counts up to more than 1.500. Author, publication, synonyms, size, type, locality, scarcity, remarks, and countries of occurrence of each treated genus and taxon are presented.The locality labels attached to the shown specimens are cited as well as an acronym of the collection, where a specimen is deposited. Plenty of type specimens from the ten major entomological museums in Berlin, Capetown, Eberswalde, London, Paris, Pretoria, Munich, Tervuren, Vienna, and Windhoek are pictured. A huge catalogue of corresponding literature is given at the end of vol. 2. The history of the actual knowledge about African Cicindelidae.
Volume II treats twenty - four genera: (Bennigsenium, Dromicoida, Trichodela, Epitrichodes, Trichotaenia, Ophryodera, Bostrichophorus, Elliptica, Ropaloteres, Hipparidium, Calochroa, Cicindela, Lophyridia, Habrodera, Chaetodera, Cephalota, Cylindera, Cicindina, Myriochile, Cratohaerea, Salpingophora, Hypaetha and Eurymorpha, including a good number of subgenera) with 205 species and presents 779 color photographs. Extended list of corresponding literature is given at the end of this volume.
- Nouveautés
- Épingles entomologiques noires
- Épingles entomologiques inox
- Minuties
- Épingles de naturalisation
- Épingles pour étiquette
- Etaloirs à papillons - tilleul
- Etaloirs à papillons - BALSA
- Plastazote setting boards
- Mallette de transport pour etaloirs en balsa
- Rouleau de papier en pergamine
- Plaques à épingler
- Bloc à épingler
- Etiquettes autocollantes
- Etiquettes sexage
- Colle d'insectes
- Matériel de microscopie
- Épingles montées
Organiser les collections
- Boite de transport
- Mallette de transport double-face
- Boites tapissées de toile - COUVERCLE PLEIN
- Boites tapissées de toile - COUVERCLE EN VERRE
- Boites tout en bois
- Boites entomologiques pour le SYSTÈME UNIT - CLASSIQUES
- Boites intérieures pour les boites SYSTÈME UNIT - CLASSIQUE
- Boites intérieures pour les boites SYSTÈME UNIT - PLASTIQUE
- Cabinet sans tiroirs
- Tiroirs en bois pour le cabinet
- Tiroirs en bois pour le cabinet pour le SYSTÈME UNIT - CLASSIQUE
- Protection des collections
Matériel de chasse
- Eclectors
- Exhaustor
- Produits chimique
- Seringues
Filets à papillons
- Armatures pour filets - réalisation en rondin d'acier
- Armatures pour filets - réalisation plus légère
- Filets
- Filets - TROPIQUE
- Filets allongés
- Filets allongés - TROPIQUE
- Manches en stratifié pour filets
- Manche en bois
- Prise de filet
- Manches en alliage d'aluminium
- Ensembles spécial de chasse - TROPIQUE
- Bouchons de capture
- Granulés de liège et bois
- Pièges Malayse
- Bocaux de récolte en polyéthylène
- Matériel de chasse des insectes nocturnes
- Tamis
- Pochettes à papillons
- Filets de chasse des insectes aquatiques
- Filets troubleau
- Nappes de battage
- Filets fauchoirs
- Pièges à suspendre
- Un piège raid simple
- Autre matériel
- Littérature