Holynski R.B.,Review of the Indo-Pacific Buprestidae I.-Julodinae

ISBN: 978-83-63756-06-5

37 colour photographs, 17 maps, 1 phylogenetic tree, 96 pages, soft cover

Text in English.

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32,72 € HT
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Czech Republic

The present volume is a continuation of the series initiated with: Holynsky R. B., 2009: Taxonomic structure of the subtribe Chrysochroina CAST. with review of the genus Chrysochroa DEJ.

Each part of the series presents a revision of a praticular group of Indo-Pacific (traditional Oriental Region + Oceania) Buprestidae LEACH: taxonomic relations (keys, synonymy, description, variability) and geographical distributio of each included (sub-)species, critically evaluated phylogenetic reconstruction and biogeographical history of the taxon in question, as wll as discussion of the relevant general systematic and evolutionary phenomena. The present volume is devoted to the presentation of the subfamily Julodinae LAC., traditionally placed as the second (after exclusively Nearctic Schizopodinae LEC.) in the linearly arranged classifications, and containing two genera: Jolodis ESCH., wiedely distributed in the Ethiopian and Palaearctic Regions but only marginally invading westernmost peripheries of the Indo-Pacific, and Sternocera ESCH. with reletively speciose subgenus Afrocera sg.n. in Africa and less diversified (only 8 spp.) Sternocers ESCH. s. str. in tropical/subtropical areas of continental Asia.



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